Depositing in HAL

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Conducting open science is also a matter of depositing publications in an open archive. The French national open archive is HAL. Depositing in HAL is quick and easy.

The French open archive HAL is a multidisciplinary platform for signalling and depositing research articles and theses. The objective is to make scientific findings generally accessible.

The HAL platform has thematic sites such as HAL-SHS for the humanities and social sciences, and institutional sites such as the Université Rennes 2 HAL web portal. All documents deposited on the Rennes 2 portal are visible in HAL and in HAL-SHS.

There are many advantages to depositing output including :

  • Free, open, immediate access to research

  • A single platform for depositing

  • Practical services: automatically feed your HAL CV, reports, and consultation statistics (for HCERES appraisal), import Zotero or EndNote references, and so on

  • Guaranteed permanent access to output and files

  • Legal protection of research

  • Better visibility for research output and increased impact in French and international research circles

  • Possibility of creating a collection to promote conference proceedings or research projects

  • Documents deposited in HAL are harvested by many search engines, including Google and Google Scholar, BASE (the search engine of the University of Bielefeld in Germany), ScanR (the search engine of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research), and Isidore

A positive correlation has been established between citation rates and depositing in an open archive.

What can you deposit in HAL ?

All types of output: journal articles, chapters in edited works, books, images, video and audio recordings, research posters, working documents, media for conference papers, etc.