Draw up a data management plan (DMP)

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A data management plan (DMP), something certain research funding bodies now require, is primarily a tool to anticipate and organise the management of research data over the course of a project.

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Translated from french :

for me, in the field of expertise, it's first and foremost a document that comes from the performing arts, so it can be any type of document audiovisual recordings theater writings director's notebooks it becomes data from the moment I describe the document according to a metadata schema that I've defined beforehand data in archaeology is information that characterizes in fact reculer gic immobilier linked in political science data traditionally by the image of discipline it was typically results with all the results of this survey answers me it's a question it's data that we deal with on a daily basis but today it's much more than that after political science data is everything it's text it's words its glazings on the web it's observations in diversity you from today absolutely immeasurable a data is codified in different ways it can be found in the form of quantity in the form of qualitative information qualitative and quantitative data they are joined by the fact that they can not be produced a post ayo for me it's rather a source pecqueur general you most see this map is a map already existing and it's very rare I use the first hands for a field stalker field data is what he immediately transcribes in one form or another but in some cases results already processed beforehand can become publications are data in the essence that you pay to classify them with data you pay to catalog them you can study them but what you put in publications are data in the more particular field of statistics in which I work for me, data means observing a phenomenon in which we're not interested in space or I don't know the age of salaries the composition of a social network at a given moment in time it also means the way in which we report on an observation observation that's carried out in the field are always observations that report on complex objects that we have to succeed in constructing in a form that can be transmitted to the scientific community when I put on my digital hat the data and that's much broader it also means observing what my colleagues are doing it's also a website it's the schema of the data it's also the use of a particular software it's how we use a software of this data the editorial chain it's a way of reporting on a complex object that we have to succeed in constructing in a form that can be transmitted to the scientific community observe what my colleagues are doing it's also a web site it's the schema of the data it's also the use of a particular software it's how we use a software of these data the editorial chain it's a data the metadata finally it's also data of which hong kong informs the way in which are made are produced the data of which we can't use these data this passage to the digital data it obliges to really ask questions about the way already have formalized the training I and no more in mathematics a set of data it's going to be excel spreadsheet in which it's going to be excel spreadsheet in which the values are essentially numerical or nominal has leaked out by extension onto everything that can be digitized works on images from the collection the use of drone port photos will make it possible to follow the evolution of the research in the field and will facilitate documentation in the field it's considerable time saving with very high-resolution images 1 in my case, the data will be mainly textual and will be placed at different levels, either at the lowest level, or at the level of the worried text that will constitute the monument. I'm going to translate the word, the morphemes, the sentence and the breath as my basic data, and I'm going to try to see the effect of meaning of the same word in different contexts. of the same word in different phrasal contexts two paragraphs of text the unstable situation so data is all around us and then, depending on the hat you're wearing, depending on the actress's profession, we're going to treat it differently the deal and it's a very late field it was very vague and it's not easy to define

This evolving management tool (3 deliverables are generally required, at the beginning, middle, and end of a project) is a document divided into sections. Its purpose is to summarise the description and changes to datasets in your research project, and thus prepare for sharing, reusing, and perpetuating data. It explains for each dataset how the project’s data will be managed, from creation or collection through to sharing and archiving.

Tools to help you draw up a DMP, such as DMP OPIDoR, give access to models and provide guides and personalised examples to help you write up your plan.

Recommendations specific to Université Rennes 2 have been added to DMP OPIDOR, and there is a help button to contact the data support team directly from the platform.

Titre de l'encadré
Good to know
  • monthly online workshops to help you take the first steps

  • a personalised service is available to check your draft DMP : guichet-ardoise [at] grouoes.renater.fr (guichet-ardoise[at]grouoes[dot]renater[dot]fr)